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NYCC 2009 Coverage: DC Infinite Heroes Anti-Monitor!

浙江小狐狸玩具有限公司 发表于

We now have images of more DC Infinite Heroes figures that are on display now at NYCC! Over 60 figures will be available this year! Future 6-packs will be available online & at Walmart.

Unveiled today were new figures such as the large 30″ Anti-Monitor figure, which was long hinted at starting last year with the monitor points promotion! This figure has light up eyes. Save your tickets up for a chance to get this figure at SDCC! Every 25 points will give you araffle ticket to win this figure! 1 will be given away each day at SDCC!

Also shown is a 3-3/4″ Anti-Monitor, for $10 or free with 50 monitor poins! The new articulation shown on some of the new figures consists of: ball jointed shoulders/elbow/knees/ankles, swivel wrists/waists, and a neck joint.

Click on the title bar to see more!


CharactersBatmanThe JokerGreen LanternThe FlashSupergirlScarecrowHawkman
Scale3.75 Inch
Sub-LineInfinite Heroes

CreditFlint of the Toyark Forums!



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